Martha Bedard, our Vice Provost of Libraries, co-chaired this task force in support of legislation brought by Representatives Gregg Haddad and Mae Flexer. Connecticut is on the move toward affordable higher education.
Interim Report from the Statewide Connecticut Higher Education Special Task Force
Special Act No. 15-18 : An Act Concerning the Use of Digital Open Source Textbooks in Higher Education
This Act charges the Board of Regents for Higher Education and the University of Connecticut to each establish an open sources textbook pilot to (1) assess the use of high-quality digital opensource textbooks, and (2) promote the use of and access to open-source textbooks within their respective constituent units. The programming for such pilot programs, shall include, but not be limited to, seminars and workshops on awareness and implementation of open-source textbooks and open educational resources for faculty and staff of the institutions of higher education under the jurisdiction of such constituent units and workshops on supportive open educational resources policy and administration for academic leaders of such institutions.
This report covers the state of Open Textbooks and Open Educational Resources from a national and state perspective, and describes the actions taken to date to raise the awareness of the appointed legislative task force, the faculty and key staff at institutions of higher education in Connecticut, and steps taken to analyze potential cost savings and identify barriers to adoption.
Read the Report: Task Force to Study Best Practices with Regard to Open Educational Resources in Connecticut Higher Ed